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The Rewilding Mission

Children learn through touch, imagination, and play. Their minds are still forming, and a natural instinct of theirs is to watch, mimic, puzzle, and learn. In our experience, the forest is the perfect place to learn these lessons. Our education system is built around small class sizes, dedicated educators, and moreover a commitment to the idea that there’s a different way. A different way to teach, to learn, to run a business. A different way for families, and children, to learn so we can build a better society together. 


The Rewilding School is built around the notion that in order to change the results of life, we have to update the spaces and ways that we teach children how to live. And there’s no such thing as “too soon” for that to start. 


Check out our programs, and give us a shot. Even with just one class, we promise to show you something different. 

Our Pricing Structure

We understand that every family is different, with a variety of needs that range from finances to time and far beyond it. We've always created space in our admin team for individuals to reach out and discuss their needs with us, and we do our best to keep costs low and class times/locations variable to address the needs of all our families, but this season we want to go further. That's why we've expanded our pricing structure to allow room for people across the spectrum. Below you'll find a breakdown of our pricing options, which are available through most of our programming.


Standard Tier - The normal rate for a full season of programming

Support Tier - An increased rate that directly goes towards supporting families in need

Flex Pass - A pack of 5 day passes that can be used throughout a season of programming

Day Pass - A single day rate to try a program (available as a submenu under season programming)

Inclusion and Equity

We are wholeheartedly committed  to anti-racist and deconstructivist programming that reframes our connection to the stolen land that we occupy as Americans.

If you are a member of a community that has been negatively affected by the imperialist and colonial policies of the United States, please take a look at our Reparative Roots program. It is a free seasonal program that we hold to build skills and community together in the beauty of Westchester’s forest and fields.


We work to provide an open and inclusive space that allows for people of every background and identity to feel safe and supported. We are a pro-LGBTQIA+ organization that recognizes people that come from all over the gender and sexuality spectra. All pronouns are welcome here. 


We see the world, especially the natural world, as a place of cycles and balance. Our programs are focused on building connections, community, and conversation that pinpoints on the love and life that can be cultivated in the outdoors. We ask everyone to leave their bigotry and bias at the door and come together to create safe spaces for everyone to learn together. 

Click these links to view PDF versions of our cancellation, messaging and weather policies.

Sick Children Should Stay Home!

Even as a wholly outdoor school, a lot of our programming centers around sharing–that means spaces, tools, and ideas. We ask that if you are sick, symptomatic, or or still recovering, that you stay home. Children spread things with ease, as any parent knows, and the last thing we want to do is cancel a class due to everyone falling ill.


We hope to see you back soon when you're feeling better!


Photo Permissions

In order to deliver the best content possible to the current and future families of the Rewilding School, our Media Director comes on site to take awesome photos and videos to be used on this website and our social media platforms. We understand that not every family wants images of their children's awesome experiences distributed online, so we ask for express permission from each family to use or not use that content. When you sign up, simply let us know! We can ensure your child doesn't have photos of their face taken, with only occasional shots of the back of their head or similar.

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