This program is built for early walkers and their families to come build community and engage in the natural environment together.
What is Wild Bunch?
This Spring we're combining our Wild Ones and Wildlings programming into one great class! This shortened program season is the perfect opportunity for families to learn together.
Ages 10mo-4yrs, 9:30-11am
Our Flex Pass options allow you to sign up for five visits at your own leisure, removing you from the confines of a weekly schedule. Flex Pass options roll over one season, so a Spring Pass would also be usable in the Fall season.
Marsh Sanctuary is one of our most dynamic and accessible locations. It has it all--a bustling pond, hillbound forests, and wide open fields for play and games. It's an absolute treat to offer a majority of our seasonal and event programming there.
B Road, Marsh Sanctuary, Mt Kisco

There's no such thing as too young to find joy in the natural environment. We firmly believe that every child should spend time in the forests, fields, and riverbeds that surround them during the formative years of their development. Our program focuses on tactile play, cause and effect, and natural games and activities that bring families together and get kids excited to spend time outdoors.
This program is designed for kids age 1-3, but families with older children are welcome to bring them along.
We are committed to providing safe, inclusive outdoor programs. Learn about our policies here!

The Lessons the Forest Can Teach Us
In a world of ever-increasing speed and inconsistency, our kids deserve access to nature and a focus on sustainable education. The best way to teach a young mind is to instill wonder and play into every lesson, and the best place for that is in a open-air classroom.
Registration is non-refundable.
Siblings Attending Kids younger than 10 months old can attend for free with their registered older sibling and parent/caregiver. Please let us know if this situation applies to you and we will e-mail you waivers to sign. We have to strictly monitor class size, so only participants who have waivers signed can attend.
Packing List Before the start of the program, we send an email to all participants with the packing list and arrival instructions.
COVID Safety Mask wearing is optional, unless you are exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 or have been directly exposed to someone who has tested positive. Read more about our COVID policies here.
Weather Safety Class will occur in sunny or rainy weather. Class is cancelled only due to dangerous weather (temps below 20 F, lightning, high winds) or health concerns. Either a make -up date or 50% credit will be given, depending on scheduling needs of The Rewilding School. Class is canceled with an AQI of 100-150.
If anyone has any questions or last-minute coordination concerns, they can email info@rewildingschool.com